Jack Petchey Winners
March 2018 - Daezhon Swan
Daezhon is volunteer assistant coach for Under 8 Lions team and has been volunteering for two years. His positive attitude, teamwork and diligence is respected throughout the club. Throughout the time his shown time and again that his a positive, motivated coach with amazing potential. He helps with training sessions and refereeing. Daezhon is a great an asset to Under 8 team. Congratulations Daezhon... keep up the good work !
May 2018 - Junior Pila
Junior is a reliable player. He has learned how different youth v adult football is and has worked hard since start of the season on his strength and quickness. He is now in the senior team and displaying the leadership and work ethic that every coach hopes for from his players. Junior has taken his natural talent to the next level through hard work and a tremendous desire to excel. He never takes a day off. He leads by example. Junior is relentless as a player. Junior is polite, and humble. Well done Junior